For the last few years we, eight old friends, have chosen a charity we'd like to help out around the holidays. We use our time, talents, and resources to benefit those in need. Many of us make hand crafted items that are sold at boutiques. Angie donates the money raised from her Christmas photo sessions. Other of us spend time in the kitchen making delicious holiday treats that are sold.
We look forward to picking a new service each year. We enjoy working together as friends. Each year we are delighted by the generosity of those around us.
This blog was created to to give you an idea of how you can be involved and to THANK those who generously help us pull off a Special Christmas Project each year.


2010 SLC Boutique

The SLC Boutique was a lot of fun and well attended! Some of the items that were sold included: hand crafted Christmas cards, homemade vintage kids bow ties and ties, headbands and bows, rice bags, LOTS of DELICIOUS homemade goodies, baby blankets, crayon rolls, specialty iron items, a variety of small gift wrapped goodies, and more...

It's was fun to see so many kids come dressed up in their Christmas outfits and darling dresses to get their pictures taken! Angie was busy photographing all morning and well into the afternoon!
Merry Christmas!

Eight Old Friends